Whether observing a construction site for a school or detailing window designs for a commercial property, Project Manager Parker Anderson enjoys the fact that no two days at WBA are the same. Today, we’re diving a little deeper with Parker to discover what drives him in work and beyond.

What inspired you to become an architect?
Since I was a little boy, I loved to draw. I’d spend hours meticulously crafting detailed pencil drawings. In high school, after enough people said “you should be an architect,” I guess it stuck.

If you had to choose your single favorite building, what would it be?
I’d say Knowlton Hall at The Ohio State University designed by Mack Scogin Merril Elam Architects. It’s not a “knock your socks off” type of building, but quietly, the sense of discovery and playfulness in that building is a delight.

What has been your most rewarding project to date?
The Brandon Amphitheater. I love that so many people are able to interact with that place and that it helps facilitate joy in people’s lives, if only for one concert. It was special for me to attend the first concert, look behind me at the crowd during the show, and see so many people smiling and singing.

Where do you go for inspiration?
The boring answer is that I have a series of architecture and art blogs that I frequent. But, I also find inspiration in anything from car design to the experience of hiking in the woods.

What’s your favorite thing about being on Team WBA?
My coworkers. To come into work and do what we do with such a talented and amusing group is a blessing. I also enjoy the diversity of the projects on which we work. Whether it’s the new Trade Mart or a sorority house, there’s always something interesting happening.

When you aren’t working, what can we find you doing?
I will typically be somewhere with my wife and our two boys – ages two and five – entertaining and wrangling them in a variety of ways.

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If you have a project in mind and you think we’re the right fit, we’re ready to get started.

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