City of Richland breaks ground for new recreation center

By Reggi Marion| September 9, 2020

RICHLAND, Miss. (WLBT) – The City of Richland is adding a new facility for families across the metro.

Leaders broke ground Tuesday for a state-of-the-art recreation center on Harper Street.

The nearly $5 million project will include a multi-purpose indoor basketball and volleyball courts, meeting rooms, concession stand, a mezzanine area, an indoor walking track and covered porch, a covered outdoor basketball court, two outdoor sand volleyball courts, a Splash Pad, horse shoe pits, playgrounds, a workout area, and an exercise area for seniors. Construction is expected to begin soon and will take about 14 months to complete.

Mayor Pat Sullivan said, “How do you standout in this Jackson metro area? I believe the architects hit the nail on the head on coming up with a plan that will be very user friendly and our surrounding communities.”

Parks and Recreation Director Cole Smith added, “It also makes our parks and rec department standout from any others around us. A lot of cities have gone towards their baseball fields and understandably so. This helps us standout as a department to be able to offer those other programs outside of that, even though we still have those, we’re able to expand on what we’re able to do and we’re not enclosed to a few things here and there. We are able to provide something year round.”

The project will be paid for by the two-percent food and beverage taxes as well as the three-percent hotel taxes.

To read the full article click here.

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