Anyone that has worked with Associate Architect Molly Frascogna in her nearly seven years at WBA knows that she’s all about the details – whether in the conceptual stages of a project or the final drawings. Today, we’re digging a little deeper and getting to know this integral member of our team.

What inspired you to become an architect?
“My parents have always said that from a very young age, they could tell by the way I created and viewed the world would make for a great career in architecture. So, I have my parents to thank. Not to mention, the time that my high school guidance counselor who told me that architecture was a ‘man’s profession’ inspired me to succeed.”

What is one of your favorite, most challenging, or rewarding projects that you’ve been a part of?
“Straight out of college, I moved to Chicago to work at a large international firm. My first projects out of school were fast-paced competition teams for mixed-use high rises in the Middle East. It was the most exciting, most challenging, and most exhausting projects I have ever worked on.”

If you had to choose your all-time favorite building, what would it be and why?
“I have lots of buildings that I love, but the first one that comes to mind is the Mies Van Der Rohe Post Office in downtown Chicago that is part of the Federal Center. We lived one block from it, so I walked past this building thousands of times. Every single time I passed it, whether it was a sunny summer day or a near blizzard, it was always a breath of fresh air nestled in the surrounding high rises reflecting all types of architectural styles onto its modern facade.”

When you aren’t minding the details and blowing through glass ceilings, what can we find you doing?
“With two young sons, playing all the sports, I don’t have much time for hobbies these days. But, when I can, I love photography, running, and painting.”

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