WBA Meet the Team: Tyler Malouf

Tyler Malouf joined the WBA team in December 2020 as a Project Manager in our Jackson office. Malouf joined the firm after six years at firms in Atlanta, Georgia. She is an Alabama native and graduate of Auburn University’s School of Architecture.

When/How did you become interested in Architecture?

I fully credit my art teacher during my senior year of high school. While trying to figure out where and what to major in, she suggested Architecture because of my love to create. I quickly applied and got accepted to Auburn University’s architecture school thereafter and am always thankful for her guidance and suggestion.

Tell us about your favorite project and why it is special to you.

If you mean projects that I have designed, I haven’t lived in Jackson long enough for that to happen here. A project that I am really looking forward to working on is the new Mississippi Forestry Association headquarters that will be built here in Jackson. I come from a family rooted in the timber and lumber business, so I grew up surrounded with all aspects of forestry- including a saw mill in my backyard. So, to be able to design a building with the goal to use primarily all wood products is a dream project, yet feels natural to me.

What inspires you both professionally and personally?

Being an integral part of the built environment by having a part in creating it excites me daily. Seeing the process of a 2D drawing come to life and knowing that I have (hopefully) helped create a better place keeps me inspired both professionally and personally. It never gets old thinking “Hey! I helped build that, and I am proud of it!”

Favorite podcast, book, or film?

Favorites are hard for me, but any podcast about true crime. Any film with Robin Williams. Currently really into any book set during the WW2 era. I just finished The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah and would say it is my current favorite, until the next one…

Do you have any hidden talents?

Having completed my architectural thesis at Rural Studio and getting to build the project my team and I designed, I learned how to complete electrical, plumbing, tile and wood work. I own more power tools than my husband (sorry, George).

What is your favorite meal?

I have had some great meals in some amazing restaurants in my life,  but I would say my most favorite ones tend to be a home cooked recipe shared with my family and a bottle of wine or two. I married into a Lebanese family, and thankfully love the food- so cooking Lebanese family recipes have been really fun.

When you need inspiration, where do you turn?

Art. I like to scroll the internet and “shop” for art, most of what I cannot afford. Regardless if I can or not,  seeing what other artists create gives my right side of the brain a spark when it needs it.